Bullying on College Campuses

A lot of people think that bullying doesn't happen on college campus they think it happens only in high school, middle school, and elementary. Student’s safety in campus is bullying. Just because it is not often seen in college campuses, does not mean that it is not happening. Part of the problem why bullying continues to happen is because the victim does not report it, so that allows the bully to continue. Students need to realize that they are not alone, there is many resources available to help them. Most people think that bullying only occurs in kindergarten through twelfth grade, but that’s not the case it can also occur in college or through social media. It is important for colleges to spread more awareness that this is a problem and that it needs to stop. Possible reasons why students might bully other students could be because they are stressed, mad, hurt, or they want attention and they want to take it out on others. That just means that students who bully others also need help. Bullying is a major problem in schools, and should be dealt with seriously. There are many suicides that occur because of bullying. When students experience bullying at schools, it makes them feel alone and vulnerable. It also takes effect on their grades and school work. Their social skills start to decline, and most of the time they do not tell anyone that they are getting bullied. There are many solutions, although it may be tough one of the best solutions is to tell someone. It's important for the victim to let someone know about what they are going through, so that they don't have to deal with it alone. Colleges such as CSU Stanislaus provide counseling and hotlines for students who feel like they are getting bullied, which are very helpful to those who need it.


  1. That is something that is really important and that a lot of people don't know. I am glad that you talked about how our campus offers help!

  2. This is some good information for the ones seeking help from bulling. To my surprise I did not know about our university having a hot line for emergencies like this.


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