Our world

Everybody that lives in our world they say it's a good place to live in this world but really is not that great to live here. In this has a lot of great things and a lot of bad things in this world. The great things about this world is there's a lot to do in this world. For example, we can go on vacation with our families, have parties with our families, watch tv with the people you love, play video games, play outside with your family or your friends, and etc. That's what a lot people do when they have free time. The bad things about this world is there a lot of people that that don't about anyone else but themselves and sometimes people won't help others when they need it. Also a lot of people do a lot of drugs and it can turn them crazy. Then the world goes into war when countries fight each other and that's how a lot people suffer by the wars we do. Like countries want use nuclear stuff against each other but that will destroys the whole world. I don't like when our countries go to war because we're all humans beings we treat everybody the same and the world should be in peace and get along with each other as a team. Another in problem in our world is child abuse and spouse abuse no should be treated like that they should be treated with respect. The last problem that I'm going to talk is crime rate is high in each countries I don't why people do crime and they kill an innocent person  that did nothing to them I wish we never had crime in every countries people could've been alive still we could have a lot people around the countries and every family loses a loved one.


  1. You know, there should more people that help others in need. Even though there are a lot of them that actually help others in unimaginable ways I would love to know that everyone helps everyone else specially in times in need. I have a class mate in english that does not really like to socialize with the class. He sees his class mates, including me, as stupid people in comparison to him; and honestly, I would like to say that in a logical sense he is correct but not all the way. I do believe that everyone is the best at their own talent but thats besides the point. When we have group assignments he is the only one that does an entire group assignment on his own just because he does not want to be teamed up with the rest of his group. I feel bad that he isn't a very social person with the rest of us. My point though, is that I would like for him to be a little more open with he's classmates and I so he could help his team understand the assignments with ease, and in return pay him with friendship. He is usually the first one done with assignments so it would be nice that instead of him being the only one finish the entire group get to finish too so they can have an easy time.

  2. There's definitely a lot of problems with the world today, but I don't believe it's completely black and white. To me it feels like society just has a tendency to focus more on all the bad things around us, like some of the ones you mentioned, rather than taking the time to consider all of the good things that have occurred in recent events, no matter how big or small. But for all the bad in the world, you should also remember that there certainly still are people out there doing great things for others, even if it may be easy to forget that sometimes.


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