Group discussions

In the past, in high school in my history class we had to pick our team so we can compete with another team. So obviously I join my friends so we can be a team. When everybody was done picking their team our teacher pick who we were going to compete against. My team had to compete with a all boys team. The day we had to compete the results came out good and we won. I was so happy for my team because we work so hard to achieve this award. Team is great thing to have or sometimes its not. Recently, in my group discussions class me and my group we engage with each other about our ideas. We name our group together and we very like the the name. Our group works together very well and we cooperate with each other. Pseudo-teams probably in group when you guys get along to get things done. In science class were we finish our project that we had to do but my friend didn't do it correctly we told him to fix it but he didn't want to. Are other group members were worried that we will get a bad grade. The day before it was due he listen and he did change his information. Impact can happen in your group if there lazy to do there work. Me and my group members were gathering up ideas for our plays and it was helpful to get ideas from are group. We were practicing our play so it can look perfect when we present it. Group potency is great thing to have because it will make presentations more easier.


  1. I am also taking a group discussion class currently, and I am enjoying it much more than I originally thought I would. I was really lucky to be put with such a great group of people.

  2. I do too like my communication class. I wouldn't say that I been put with amazing people but they do their work and they talk when they have to. I wish we could be more friendly to each other.


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