First essay as a freshman

Omelas is a better world because there's only one person suffering and our world there's a lot of people suffering. In Omelas world everybody is treated the same and not like our world. Everybody in Omelas is worried about the person that is suffering but they can't do anything about the situation they wish they could. They can do anything they want in Omelas world they don't care what you do unless you're trying to save the person that is suffering in the basement. If you want to have a baby you have to go to temple and do your things to have a baby. Everybody in Omelas world is happy to live and they also say it's a beautiful place to live in except the kid that is suffering. At night when people past the building the thing they hear is the child saying “let me out , I will be good.” but nobody helps him they just ignore him. People in Omelas never get mad at each other there always good to each other. This way I prefer Omelas world than our world because you can do anything in that world. People prefer living in our world because we can tried to help other people and do a lot of other things than Omelas world. I prefer Omelas world because not of people are suffering there's only one kid is suffering in Omelas world. In our world there's a lot of people not treated the same but Omelas world everybody is treated the same expect the kid that is suffering. Our world we go to war with different countries but Omelas world it's very peaceful and there is not war in Omelas world. One similarity between the worlds is somebody is suffering all the time. The worlds have a lot of difference things about each other. Omela is great place to live and you have a fun time with your family. In our world is great place to live but we have consequences with our world and a lot of families suffer because they don't have the money to afford food, clothes, house, and etc. Also there's a lot of homeless that live in the street and they survive on their own with no money. Sometimes people spend money on drugs instead buy things that they really need and they will start complaining that they don't pay them a lot. This is why I prefer Omelas is better world than ours. This was my first essay as a freshman in sociology class.


  1. I would prefer to live in that Omelas world too. Maybe that way college wouldn't be so hard and with some professor that don't give a care in the world about ur stress in their class because of how much homework they give us. I'm just feeling pretty salty about my pre calc class. Professor Magner sucks.


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