My high school presentations
In the past in my high school me and my group were trying to do good in our presentation for spanish. So we added some acting into our presentation so we can get a hundred percent for our presentation. At the day of the presentation we went first and presented our slides then we acted it out. Few days later we achieve a grade and we got hundred percent. My english class we had to present more about are self like our ethnicity, gender, age and etc. I was working so hard on presentation so people can know more about me and more about my culture. The day we had to present it I presented last and it went very well. Now people knew more about me and my culture. One time in my group its was very stressful because I had people that didn't want to do anything in the slides because they say they are busy with work. So I had to do all the slides in my group and I was getting stressed because I didn't know what to do in the my science class we had to present our lesson to the class but are group didn't really get along with each other some did not want to work on the lesson. Suddenly at the end we had to present our presentation went very well. Sometimes everybody has problems in there groups but later they do well in there presentation together. My past experience on presentations in high school years.
I've had problems in groups like that too. People not wanting to work with each other preferring to not do absolutely nothing with anybody than to build a new bond as a group. After I have received the grade that our group deserved in groups I realized that it would've been better if I stop caring about not knowing if they would like to build a bond with me or not and start taking charge of the matter to get the assignment. This personality trait only happens to me right after things escalate into horrible team work. Is such a problem to me when I'm actually facing the problem at that specific time since I tend to be naturally friendly and super carrying to anyone socially. In reality I can't even imagine myself being bossy to peolpe telling them what to do because I never tried doing it that way. If anything I think that my approach to other in that field of work is weak when a person does not want to work together with you. I should be more stick and straight forward to the point that I can demand that person to work with me just for that time frame until we get done with the assignment. In a way that it would look as if you where using them for your benefit but thinking twice about the problem in hand you are actually being beneficent to all member of the group including you since you will all get an awesome job by working together like that. It isn't fun but it will get the task done and it will be a win win to everyone. My point to your blog would be to start taking charge of the matter and start being bossy about what you want to be done so your grade and the grades of your group members don't suffer. I know that this comment is long but I hope it helps.