Learning from my parents
I learned from my parents that how to be a good person to everyone and don't be shy to meet new people they teach me this when I little it worked and I had a lot of friends in elementary, junior high, and high school but when I graduated high school a lot of my friends went to different schools now only have five friends in college but can meet more people in the future. It's good thing to learned from your parents so don't do mistakes in the future. Sometimes parents are not good influence on you because some parents don't treat their kids right.my parents teach me how to clean up the house so your house won't messy in the future good thing they teach me that because I wouldn't know how to clean up my house she only taught me and my sister how to clean up the house she teach my brother because my dad was going to teach my brother how to clean up the yard. They teached me to not hurt others and being respectful and courteous in your interactions, volunteering time and skills in the community, be happy what you have, being honest to each other about everything, and participate in teamwork to other people that need help. Also showing compassion that people are in need, treating others the same the way you want to be treated. Always save some of your money, find ways to express your creativity, being happy about your achievements and making your education your priority.
Not sure what happened, but double check your blogs. This is all on one line.