Junk Food

People are getting more obese because eating unhealthy food and that kids are becoming more obese over the years. Now fast food restaurants provide bigger size drinks and people are attempted to buy the bigger drinks. Now we also see people eating when there walking and eating when there driving it's very interesting what we do. When I heard this from the documentary its was so surprising to me that smaller the plate less you serve yourself.kids are eating a lot of junk food and becoming more obese because a lot of kids watch tv and they some advertisements that they will like it and want right way. It also that thirteen million died by being overweight. Its says that people fault because they make their poor choices.  When parents go to the grocery store with their kids and the parent are surrounded by the junk food the kid will cry for it and the parents will buy it for them so they can stay quiet. We should try to stop eating a lot of junk food. Also eat smaller portions of food. The government should lower the prices on healthy food and higher the prices on junk food because people wouldn't afford healthy food because the prices are too high they will just junk food because it's cheaper for their budget. A lot of people like to eat at night because their hungry but eating at night is bad for you because you will gain more weight at night that the day so don't eat at night.


  1. That's insane! I did not know about the eating at night makes you gain weight faster thing. I guess it makes sense in a way because if you where to eat something at night you will go right to bed afterward and not even born one calorie sine you're not moving. To be honest, that fact blowed my mind.

  2. I agree! If the government lowers the price of healthy foods people will start to eat more healthy because they will be able to afford it. If junk food is expensive, people won't buy it.


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