About me and my family

Hi my name is Valeria Morales I’m nineteen years old  I lived in Ceres my whole life I went Ceres high and I graduated there the college I'm going to is CSU Stanislaus the classes I have at stanislaus the  first class I have is Introduction to sociology and my second class is english stretch my teacher is Todd Hall and my last class is problems in history my teacher is Eric Nystrom. Me and my sister are the second ones in my family going to college I want to do good in college to impress my family that I can do it. My brother was the first one to go to college but he didn't want to go to college anymore so he's in the workforce he said that college isn't for him my parents understood him they weren't going to force him to go college. I love being around my family because there's always by side when I need help with something. My family means the world to me there only ones that I got right now. I have three siblings and their names are Manuel, Emily, and My little brother Santiago. My older brother is twenty years old he lives in my parents house and he helps them with anything they need. My sister is seventeen years old  shes goes to college like me and her major is nursing. My little brother is eight years old he is a soccer player and he plays for a competitive team and he plays defense but he can play every position. My parents names are Manuel and Maria. My dad is forty five years old he's a hard worker and he is a coach for soccer team and the team he coaches is my little brother soccer team. My mom is also a hard worker and she takes care of the house so it won't end up like a messy house. Me and family always pray every night together. On Saturdays, my family always go to church and after that we have a party or sometimes we go out to eat.That's all about me and my family life and what we do.


  1. Valeria. I just wanted to say that qualities like this are why we became friends. Selfishness is not in your vocabulary and you are always in a positive attitude. I love being your friends and if we may i would love to be friends forever, even after we're thirty or something like that.


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