Right away

Me and my siblings when we were growing up my mom always taught us how to be respectful and don't be a lazy person. I like she taught us this because if she didn't me and my siblings could of been not being respectful to each other and not doing are things that we have to do and not doing it right away. My little brother when he home from school he does his homework right away. I don't doing the stuff later on because I will get lazy and not do it. For example, When I was little after I go home few minutes later I get home I feel lazy to do stuff from and from school so I didn't do anything when my saw not doing anything she got me in trouble for not doing my homework and my chores I had to do . Now when I have chores to do I do my chores when she tells me to do it and also my homework from my classes. When one of my classes assign homework I will do my homework before its due but sometimes I forget to do it and feel guilty turning it in late so got to get better turning in my assignments on time not the next day.If you turn it in late it's better to get credit then no credit. This why me and my siblings thank our mom being so hard on us so we can be a better person later in the future.


  1. I do agree with you about being grateful to our mothers because they taught us miners. Without her in my life as a child I'm sure that I would've been already a drug addict with no future.

  2. I can relate too. I feel like when we are younger we don't really realize why our parent make us do certain things but when we get older we understand why they do what they do. They only want what is best for us and I am glad our parents teach us right.


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