Food at Stan State

When I started school at Stan State and I had a breaks always attempting to buy food. The first week of school I brought lunch from home and I just people eating lunch from the dining hall or the warrior grill. The next few days I was still eating lunch from home I didn't mind but when see the snacks they have I am attempting to buy some and it's hard to not look. When went inside the dining hall and look at the prices its was so expensive so I decided to buy a slice a pizza and a slice pizza cost about threes dollars and a drink is around two dollars. Next week when I didn't bring lunch because I forgot to pack myself lunch. After all my classes were done I went to the warrior grill to buy some food and I look at the prices it was pricey and I bought four chicken tenders combo for seven dollars and fifteen cents. The food was good from the warrior grill. Sometimes if you buy food from Stan State it will waste your money so quick If you get it alot. Food from anywhere it's always going to be expensive especially if you have a big family. My mom always tells me,my sister, and my brother do don’t waste your money on fast food because its expensive  and need the money something more important than food. Save your money that you really want to spend on than food. Now I'm going to bring my own lunch from home and it will save me money.


  1. I agree the prices are a bit up there so, I try and not to spend as much eating at school too.

  2. Yea! It's crazy how a good plate of sushi costs about ten dollars. I bought sushi two times from the cafeteria and that's it. I prefer to make my lunch every morning and not waist a single penny on food from the school. I'm still surprised that you paid three whole dollars for a stinking piece of pizza. THAT'S INSANE!!!

  3. Yes I can relate. The first two weeks I brought lunch from home too, but then the following week I literally bought something from school everyday and ended up spending all my money. Now I either bring cookies from home or just go hungry lol. Like you said I need to save up.


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