Planning a schedule

When I started to planned my schedule I thought it was going to be easy to follow the schedule but no because sometimes you have that come up and you can't follow it. For example, on Thursday I planned that after school will do my home statistics but I didn't because I had to clean up the house before I do my homework later I finished my homework and my chores the next thing on my list was to play video games with my little brother but it didn't happen either because my little brother had a soccer game so me and family went to his soccer game he played good and he scored a goal for us he was happy that we all came to his soccer. Sometimes I follow my schedule when something didn't up. For example, On Friday after school when I got home the first thing on my list was to finish all my homework so I did and the next thing on list is to help my little brother on his homework and I did help him and was happy I help him now he doesn't have homework for the weekend after that me and my little brother went outside to play soccer so I can help him on his soccer skills so he can get better and become the star player on his team he likes to play every position in soccer and that makes me happy after we were done practicing the next thing was to go to bed and I fell asleep because I was so tired.  It's always good to have a planner because you won’t forget to do the important stuff you need to do.


  1. I agree, I also thought that it was going to be easy to follow the schedule I planned. But it was really hard to follow it because before I even started to do what I had planned to do, things just kept coming up.


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