My first day of college

Hi my name is Valeria Morales my first day of college was very frightening because I didn't know what to expect. When I went to my first class there was a lot students it was like over 40 students and I was getting more nervous my teacher presented herself and her name is Barbara Olave then she started to teach the lesson and I was taking notes and listening what she saying. After the class I went with my friend Fatima so we can go to are next class but me and her don't have the class but we had it in the same building. My second class starts at ten o'clock I was waiting outside the classroom because there was another class in there. When the second class came out then my class came in to look for a seat and this class shorter than my first class . My teacher came in he introduced himself to the class and his name is Todd Hall then he told us to do the name game I was getting more nervous when he said that. The name game is you have to repeat your classmates name and their favorite food. When its was my turn I said all there names correctly and remember their food they like I thought it was going to hard but it wasn't. After when everybody was finish playing the name game the class was over. I walked to  the warrior grilled the line was long but waited finally it was my turn order my food and I order a four piece chicken tenders and now I'm waiting to get my food few minutes later they called my number I got my food and went back o the table and started to eat my food and it was good.When I was done eating I went to my third class I had to wait because there was a another class when it was twelve o'clock my class went in to sit down to wait for the teacher few minutes later my teacher arrive he introduced himself and his name is Eric Nystorm he talked about the syllabus and what were going to do in the class. After that what he talked about the class was over and I didn't get homework on the first day and I left home and it was great on my first day of college. That's all about my first day of college.


  1. I felt so nervous on my first day also! My first day went very similar to yours, I did not have homework and the teachers were very easy going. It went better than I imagined, no need to be nervous anymore.

  2. On my first day of college I was nervous too. I remember when I was in professor Todd's class and we had to do that name game thing. For me it wasn't that easy. I was almost the last one to speak which meant that I had to name almost everybody in the class with their food of their choice. To be honest I did so much better than I expected in memorizing all those names. I did forget about two or three out of the twenty names but even so I did okay. Also just to point this out in my first day of school my first teacher did not showed up and the entire class waited in that room for about fifteen to twenty minutes until we all just left.


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