Making myself open

Making new friendships is very hard because sometimes they don't want to talk to you and they give you a weird look. When it's my second day of school I really didn't know a lot of people the people I knew was my old friends back from high school but I can't hang out with them because we have different school schedules. I was bummed about that because I didn't knew to hang out with. But it's kinda my fault not talking to new people because I am very nervous to talk to other people and my mom says to meet new people it helped you in the future. I hate when I don't talk to other people I feel that I don't fit in but I do fit in I make myself that I don't fit in. I want to get rid of my fears go up people and talk to them and make new friendships with them. I sometimes hang out with my friends but they got leave for their classes and I understand that. I need friends that can have the same classes  like me and the same major that's why I need to make new friends that have the same major and we can help each other out. Also I need to get involved with school and can make a lot friends by doing that and it can also help your job later in the future. That's why I need to make myself open by doing getting involved in school and meeting new people and etc.


  1. Hey Valeria! I do get you. I personally still have some time in my hands that I can fill up by making new friends and having out with them but it's hard. They few friends I've made so far have jobs to attend to or just have a different class schedule, but in overall I guess you should make the best out of this semester and try and find some friends. I'm not necessarily saying that should make friends with a random stranger but you should find a person that you seem to like by their style and their vibe. Personally I believe that if you have a good feeling about this potential friendship with a stranger you should try meeting this person. Chances are you could most likely be right about this person and be really good friends with them. In all what I'm saying is that you should try and get to know a stranger that your interested from a distance and see if they are compatible with you. hope this helps girl.


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